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Yater's image, VISION, was selected by renowned photographic artist, Joyce Tennesen for exhibition at PhotoPlace Gallery in Vermont.

Her vision is that of an old soul. She possesses a knowing, a wisdom, a way.


PhotoPlace Gallery

©Marthanna Yater - all rights reserved


Gallery exhibition: May 10 – June 3, 2017

PhotoPlace Gallery, Middlebury, VT

online post by PhotoPlace of seleted images

Juror’s Statement

To my mind, the title “Intimate Portraits” describes portraits that go beyond the surface and explore or reveal a deeper vision of the subject. This can be accomplished by showing an environmental context, capturing a telling expression, or, as in the case of the image that won the juror’s award, construction of a magical vision that does not exist outside the mind of the artist.

The quality of the photographs submitted was extremely high, and the image-makers followed many different paths. It took me three days to view all the material and select the photographs to be shown in the gallery exhibition and online, as well as the award recipients. Even though I was permitted to include over 70 photographs for exhibition, I was saddened many times by my exclusion of beautiful and dramatic work.

As a juror of many exhibits over the past years, what I value most in the submissions is when I can feel and see that a photographer has a strong and unique signature style, and that personal view is reflected in my decisions. When I teach advanced portrait classes, I stress to my students that finding their own voice in photography and having that voice clearly represented in the work they produce is extremely important.

It was a wonderful experience to view the very large number of portraits for this exhibition, and it was a pleasure working with PhotoPlace Gallery. I found them to be of the highest integrity and artistic vision.

Joyce Tenneson

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